Once I came across an article about another breakthrough in the field of overcoming aging. This scientific breakthrough occurred at the cellular level. An interfering interfering RNA editing the telomere mechanism, the enzyme telomerase, was introduced into the cell of an aging organism.
Telomeres are the "ends" of DNA strands that are involved in encoding new DNA for new cells. They are not reproduced and their supply is different for each of us. In the process of cell division, they are shortened and used up, and, accordingly, the body's aging mechanism is triggered.
But! The life cycle of a cell is not always and everywhere determined by telomeres. There is a mechanism that makes a cell virtually immortal, and its name is telomerase.
For a cell, information from the DNA coder is law. The cell got to work with all its might and surprised us with a quick result. There are still no details about what kind of information and for how long. I emphasized for a reason that information is the law for a cell. And information is equal to consciousness, thought, light, our thinking...
We can argue that all people on Earth live on average so long, that we have a certain heredity... and so on. Once we took this information as a basis and now we are thinking and evaluating how to allocate the time we have, but we do it mostly vaguely. You must admit that rarely does anyone have a clear plan for their life.
The real causes of aging are in our heads, in our minds. The choice of what information we write into our DNA always depends on the thoughts of each individual. Magic pills, created separately from us in test tubes, designed to prolong life, are useless if we conflict with this life at the level of thinking.
Even if genetics is against you, you always have a chance to be considered a great original, remembering that information is law for a cell.