There are seven main chakras on the subtle material level, i.e. invisible to ordinary vision. These are energy centers, that is, local, large nerve plexuses in certain places of the body.
Some of them evolve – open up into a new life, while others belong to this material world and serve us for one lifetime.
So, briefly, let's answer the question:
What happens at the chakra level?
Why do distortions and painful conditions occur?
How to be in the thick of things and not lose energy?
Each chakra has its own color corresponding to the wavelength. What kind of wave? Electromagnetic. The light part of it, to be exact. Mysticism and esotericism are perfectly explained by pure science.
Each level of the material and at the same time immaterial human body corresponds to a wavelength of a certain spectrum. From red to violet. From hot and warm to cold. This has always been known, hence the proverbial "keep your feet warm and your head cold."
What happens at the chakra level?
Прийняття та асиміляція енергії та інформації. Повертаючись до науки – світло - це інформація. Повертаючись до джерел давніх навчань – інформація (думка) лягає в основу розвитку (життя).
Why do painful conditions and conflicts arise at the level of information?
Life is a stimulus-reaction. If at the level of thinking we allow conflict, an inadequate reaction to the situation, "letting in" low-frequency, negative information, we distort the very mechanism of our chakra centers.
Disruption of the center's functioning can lead to illness if we do not realize the cause and do not correct the situation.
How do you stay in the thick of things, not lose energy, and how do you help yourself if this happens?
You need to learn to control your reactions and emotions. This can be done through meditation.
Learn to use tools and new developments of scientists. For example, an innovation by Swiss scientists, BIOPTRON, which restores the balance of body and soul by harmonizing the chakras with the help of color, can help in this situation.
BIOPTRON color and light therapy targets the cause of the conflict and eliminates it at the information level. The purpose of color therapy is to fill the "chakra batteries". When the body has enough energy, it can overcome any disease.